On the 5th of January 2015, I have reported to Mrs. Dayang Kamsiah Binti Awang Omar at Petronas Liquefied Natural Gas complex in Bintulu for my industrial training. I was then asked to muster at the library for a briefing session by Mr. Bakar Bin Pauzan. I was duly briefed on the company’s core business and activities. Currently the natural gas processing facility in Bintulu is the largest in the world within a single site. I was told that their core activities are processing of raw gases from offshore and turn it into liquefied natural gas (LNG) plus liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Its core business is exporting the natural gas in liquefied form to various customers worldwide via ships. Most of their cargos are destined to Japan as a clean source of fuel for power generation. The complex is a combination of three PETRONAS joint venture companies namely MLNG Sdn Bhd, MLNG Dua Sdn Bhd and MLNG Tiga Sdn. Bhd. respectively.
An industrial training guidelines booklet is issued to me and the other trainees as reference throughout our training. Apart from that, we were briefed on the rules and regulation that we must abide to while within the plant compound and the consequences of not doing so. The briefing conducted had enlightened me on the company’s vision and mission as per outline by PETRONAS. Their vision is to be a leading oil and gas multinational of choice. In the meantime, their mission statements are; 1. We are a business entity, 2. Petroleum is our core business, 3. Our primary responsibility is to develop and add value to this national resource, 4. Our objective is to contribute to the well-being of the people and the nation.